AGNI Online: “Ex Libris”
American Poetry Review: “Nativity”
Arts & Letters: “Monumental” and “Stained Glass”
Bellingham Review: “Land of the Lotus-Eaters”
Beloit Poetry Journal: “Living Cloisters”
Confrontation: “Interstate” (winner of the Confrontation Poetry Prize)
Columbia Poetry Review: “Slower”
Crazyhorse: “Our Book of Hours”
Hayden’s Ferry Review: “Ocean Elegy” and “Animal Instinct”
Hotel Amerika: “An Iberia”
The Laurel Review: “The Marvelous Plague”
Los Angeles Review (forthcoming): “The Old Country” and “Summer”
Meridian: “City Garden”
Natural Bridge: “Clare Island” (nominated by the editors for a Pushcart Prize)
New Orleans Review: “Museum of Natural History”
Notre Dame Review: “Mother Tongue,” “Mother Wit,” “Motherhouse,” “Puppet Theater,” “The World”
Phoebe: “Atget’s Paris” (nominated by the editors for a Pushcart Prize) and “The Blue Ballet”
Poetry Daily: “Farsickness,” “Living Cloisters,” and “City Garden”
Prairie Schooner: “California” and “Caravansary”
Puerto del Sol: “Rendezvous in Exile”
Smartish Pace: “Bastide” (a review of the issue and this poem appears on NewPages) and “Robert Frank’s America”
Sycamore Review: “Motel Limbo”
TriQuarterly: “Farsickness” and “Multiverse”
Weber—The Contemporary West: “This Berlin” (forthcoming)